Sunday, April 01, 2007

Turtle Power!

In the past month my mom and Joy each had a chance to visit us. Their trips were separated by three weeks and nearly sixty degrees: Mom came at the beginning of March and got to experience temps in the 20s and dangerous blowing snow; Joy came at the end of March when the high almost hit 80.

While we were giving Joy a tour of the area we drove by the McHenry dam and noticed that the Fox River was unusually high. This morning Wendy and I went back to take some pictures and go for our first hike of the season.

To give you some perspective, the trees in the next two pictures are not usually under water.

As we were walking, we kept noticing more and more turtles out sunning themselves on logs. We started to keep count and literally came up with over 100 turtles!

There were lots of beautiful dark clouds racing across the sky during our hike. It turned out to be good timing; later in the day it turned windy, cold, and rainy.