Saturday, May 13, 2006

Photo Extravaganza

Well, we've been keeping busy the past few weeks with cleaning the house, painting the family room, mowing the lawn, and getting all of our utilities and services switched over. I'm fairly certain I've been to Home Depot more times the past two weeks than the past ten years combined. Life is different when you're a homeowner.

Wendy is currently in Kansas, attending her sister's graduation. Since she left, the weather has turned cold and rainy -- we've gotten just over 2 inches of rain in recent days -- and the forecast is calling for even more.

So, to pass the time on a rainy weekend in May, here are photos of our new house:

The Whole Thing (front)

Lots o' grass to mow

A pond in the distance

Ye Ol' Dining Room

A mighty white kitchen

Family room, pre-painting

Family room, post-painting

"Clean me!" cries the deck

El Backyard Gazebo

The Whole Thing (back)

Purple and White Flowery Things

Up close

And personal

Our first visitor


Anonymous said...

As a homeowner, you simply have to develop a more intimate knowledge of those "flowery things." :-)

Anonymous said...

As a homeowner myself I'm here to tell you, much to mom's chagrin, that it is not mandatory to develop a more intimate knowledge of those "flowery things". :)

Jill said...

It looks like you guys have a lot of places to put bird feeders. But being home owners you'll have to worry about things like empty shells and increased bird poop.

Thanks for all the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Your house looks awesome!

Abby said...

Yay pictures! I heard about all the work you've done so far, your house really looks nice!

george said...

Lookin' good. Can't wait the see the OU flag waving proudly there this fall.