Friday, June 17, 2005

Exciting Things Are Afoot

So here's the scoop: Tuesday was quite a good day for us. The fun started when we got tickets to see Steven Wright perform tomorrow night in Crystal Lake. If you're not familiar with him, he's a comedian with a monotone voice and a very dry sense of humor (not to mention some wacky hair). He's absolutely hilarious. A quick google search will pull up plenty of his one-liners.

Later that day, we were contacted by a reporter from the local newspaper who was doing a story on people settling down in McHenry County (see the comment on our previous blog post). She was very nice and wound up interviewing Wendy about why we moved here, what our impressions are, and what we've been up to. So, if it makes it through the editing phase, Wendy will be quoted in the newspaper! We're not sure when the story will run; possibly not until next week. We'll let you know when we see it.

Finally, that afternoon, Wendy got a job interview! It's for a part-time job, which is what she's looking for so that she can continue her writing. The interview is early next week, so please be sure to send good thoughts her way.

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